1. EC2 Instance 1 -CI-Server( AMI- Ubuntu, Type- t2.micro, port 22, 443, 80 should be enabled.)
2. Ec2 Instance 2 - Deployment Server (Ami-Ubuntu, Type-t2.medium, port 22, 80, 443,3000 should be enabled. )
3. Dockerhub Account
4. GitHub Account
5. Docker installed on both (CI-Server and deployment server)
6. Minikube and kubectl Installed on the deployment server.
In the current high-speed software development landscape, possessing a streamlined Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is crucial. This pipeline automates the procedure of constructing, examining, and launching software, empowering developers to swiftly introduce new functionalities and enhancements. In this guide, we will guide you through the stages of configuring a CI/CD pipeline for a Reddit clone application utilizing AWS EC2 instances, Docker, Kubernetes, and Minikube.
Step 1: Setup the CI-Server
1. Launch an EC2 Instance (AMI- ubuntu, Type-t2.micro, port 22 and 80 should be enabled)
2. Update the System & Install Docker
Keep your server up-to-date by running & Install Docker to containerize your application
# Steps:-
# For Docker Installation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker
3. Clone the Reddit clone application source code from GitHub and Navigate to the project directory.
Fork this URL
4. Create the Docker image from the Docker file.
5. Once the image has been created check the docker images.
6. After creating a Docker image push it to the DokcerHub. First, log in to the DockerHub using CLI.
Before pushing the image to the DockerHub tag the image first using command
docker tag reddit-clone-image nehabawane/reddit-clone-image
7. Once the image has been pushed to DockerHub check it out in the DockerHub Dashboard.
Step 2: Setup the Deployment Server
1. Launch an another EC2 Instance (AMI- ubuntu, Type-t2.medium, port 22,80,443, 3000 should be enabled)
2. In Deployment Server, Update the system and install Docker.
# Steps:-
# For Docker Installation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker
docker -v
3. Installation of Minikube & Kubectl on Deployment Server.
# For Minikube & Kubectl
curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
sudo snap install kubectl --classic
minikube start --driver=docker
4. Let’s create a Directory Name with k8-project to write a required Manifest file.
5. Create Namespace for Reddit-App.
6. Let's Create a Deployment File For our Application. (Deployment.yml)
Now, You might be wondering what this manifest file in Kubernetes is. Don't worry, I'll tell you in brief.
When you are going to deploy to Kubernetes or create Kubernetes resources like a pod, replica-set, config map, secret, deployment, etc., you need to write a file called manifest that describes that object and its attributes either in YAML or JSON. Just like you do in the Ansible playbook.
Of course, you can create those objects by using just the command line, but the recommended way is to write a file so that you can version control it and use it in a repeatable way.
create Deployment.yml file and open it in vim editor
vim Deployment.yml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: reddit-clone-deployment
app: reddit-clone
replicas: 2
app: reddit-clone
app: reddit-clone
- name: reddit-clone
image: nehabawane/reddit-clone-image
- containerPort: 3000
7. Run kubectl apply -f Deployment.yml
to create the deployment object in K8s. You should see an output similar to this.
8. Let's dive into what is Kubernetes Service manifest file, It defines how network traffic should be routed to a set of Pods. Services provide stable endpoints to access your application running in a Kubernetes cluster. Below is an example of a Kubernetes Service manifest file:
create service.yml file and open it in vim editor.
vim service.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: reddit-clone-service
app: reddit-clone
type: NodePort
- port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
nodePort: 31000
app: reddit-clone
9. Run kubectl apply -f service.yml
to create this service in K8s. Run Kubectl get svc
to check if the service has been created, the output should look like this
10. Get the URL: minikube service reddit-clone-service --url
Step 3: Expose the App
before exposing the app ensure that the 3000 Port on the Deployment Server Security Group should be enabled.
First We need to expose our deployment so use
kubectl expose deployment reddit-clone-deployment --type=NodePort
command.You can test your deployment using curl -L is a minikube ip & Port 31000 is defined in Service.yml
Then We have to expose our app service
kubectl port-forward svc/reddit-clone-service 3000:3000 --address &
You can see the deployed application on [Ec2_instance_public_ip]:3000
You have successfully Deployed a Reddit Clone App on Kubernetes with Ingress Enabled.
Step 4: Let's Configure Ingress
In Kubernetes, an Ingress is like a gatekeeper for incoming network traffic. It helps manage how external users access services inside the cluster. With Ingress, you can set rules to direct traffic based on things like web addresses (hostnames) or specific paths in the URL. This means you can easily route requests to different parts of your application. Ingress also takes care of secure communication by handling SSL/TLS certificates for you. It's a handy tool for efficiently managing external access to your Kubernetes services.
1. Minikube doesn't enable ingress by default; we have to enable it first using the minikube addons enable ingress
2. Once enabled the ingress create the ingress for your service and verify it. Let's write ingress.yml and put the following code in it
vim ingress.yml
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-reddit-app
- host: ""
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/test"
name: reddit-clone-service
number: 3000
- host: "*"
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/test"
name: reddit-clone-service
number: 3000
If you want to check the current setting for addons in minikube use
minikube addons list
command.Now you can able to create ingress for your service.
kubectl apply -f ingress.yml
uses this command to apply ingress settings.Verify that the ingress resource is running correctly by using
kubectl get ingress ingress-reddit-app
Setting up your Reddit clone application involves configuring a CI server, creating Docker images, and deploying your app using Kubernetes and Minikube. With this pipeline in place, you can streamline your development and deployment processes, making it easier to deliver new features and updates to your users.
Happy Learning
Thanks For Reading!
Neha Bawane